BioNano Research Facilities'
WVU User Rates
Instrument | Instrument Type | Price per hour unless noted |
User Assistance | manager assistance | $45 |
Cell Culture Facilities | cell culture |
$220/month |
Thermofisher SORVALL Legend XR1– CRL 381 | centrifuge |
$15 |
Bio-Rad 1D/2D Protean i12IEF Electrophoresis System-- IEF (1D) |
electrophoresis system | $10 |
Bio-Rad 1D/2D Protean i12IEF Electrophoresis System-- (SDS-PAGE, 2D) |
electrophoresis system | $10 |
Bio-Rad 1D/2D Protean i12IEF Electrophoresis System-- Imager ChemiDoc MP | electrophoresis system | $10 |
Bio-Rad 1D/2D Protean i12IEF Electrophoresis System-- Western Blot | electrophoresis system | $10 |
Thermofisher Scientific Vanquish High Performance Liquid Chromatography (ONLY) | liquid chromatography | $35 |
Thermofisher Scientific Easy-nano-Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography | liquid chromatography | $60 |
Thermofisher Scientific Q Exactive Mass Spectrometer | mass spectrometer-quadrupole and orbitrap for direct infusion or liquid chromatography mass spec | $60 |
Thermo Scientific Speedvac |
speedvac | $5 |
AMG EVOS FL Digital Inverted Fluorescent Microscope | inverted fluorescent microscope | $15 |
AMG EVOS FL Digital Inverted Fluorescent Microscope |
inverted fluorescent microscope |
$15 |
AMG Micromaster Inverted Microscope | inverted fluorescent microscope |
$15 |
Leica DMI 6000 Inverted Fluorescent Microscope with DFC300FX Camera | inverted fluorescent microscope | $15 |
Olympus Spinning Disk Confocal Fluorescent Microscope | confocal fluorescent microscope |
$23 |
Horiba Jobin Yvon Fluorolog-3 Spectrofluorometer | spectrofluorometer | $35 |
JASCO J-810 Circular Dichroism (CD) Spectropolarimeter |
spectrometer | $20 |
Biotek Epoch Spectrophotometer/Plate Reader (2 instances) |
spectrophotometer | $36 |
Cleanroom Facilities'
WVU User Rates
Instrument | Instrument Type | Price per hour unless noted |
User Assistance | manager assistance | $45 |
Cleanroom Daily Entry Fee | cleanroom | $5 |
CVC 610 DC Magnetron Sputtering Station (class 10,000)
sputter deposition
DC & Rf Sputtering Station
(class 10,000) |
sputter deposition | $15 |
Neocera Pulsed Laser Deposition
(class 10,000) |
pulsed laser deposition | $12 |
KJL E-beam Evaporator
(class, 10,000) |
e-beam evaporator | $15
Temescal BJD E-Beam Evaporator
(class 10,000) |
e-beam evaporator | $20 |
DISCO DAD-3240 Dicing Saw (entry lab) | wafer dicer | $35
Trion Technology Minilock III Reactive Ion Etching with Inductively Coupled
(class 10,000) |
reactive ion etcher | $20 |
March PX-250 Plasma Asher
(class 1,000) |
plasma asher | $10 |
Bruker Dektak Stylus Profilometer
(class 100) |
stylus profiler | $8 |
Tencor Alpha-Step 200 stylus profilometer
(class 1,000) |
stylus profiler | $5 |
Bruker Contour GT K0 Optical Profiler (class 10,000)
optical profiler
$10 |
MEIJI MT7000 Metallurgical
Microscope (class 1,000) |
metallurgical microscope | $5 |
Labsmith HVS448 Video Microscope (class 10,000)
video microscope
$8 |
Labsmith SVM340 Synchronized Video Fluorescent Microscope
(class 10,000) |
fluorescent video microscope
$5 |
West Bond 7372E6E Epoxy Die Bonder (class 10,000) | die bonder | $10 |
West Bond 74776E Gold Wire Bonder (class 10,000) | wire bonder | $10 |
Suss Microtech MA6 Mask Aligner
(class 100) |
mask aligner - photolithography | $20 |
Suss Microtech MJB3 Mask Aligner
(class 100) |
mask aligner - photolithography | $15 |
OAI UV Flood Exposure
(class 100) |
flood exposure - photolithography | $10 |
Developer Hoods (class 10,000) | development - photolithography | $5 |
Laurell Technologies 600 Spinner (class 1,000) | spinner | $5 |
Laurell Technologies 400 Spinners
(class 100) |
spinner | $5 |
Cleanroom Hoods (class 10,000) | wet chemical processing | $5 |
AnnealSys A S-Micro Rapid Thermal Annealer (class 10,000) | thermal annealer | $10 |
Thermal Oxidation Furnace
(class 10,000) |
thermal annealer | $10 |
Keyence VHX-7000/7000N | digital microscope | $15 |
Electron Microscopy Facilities'
WVU User Rates
Instrument | Instrument Type | Price per hour unless noted |
User Assistance | manager assistance | $45 |
BioSample Prep TEM/SEM
electron microscope-sample prep
Leica Ultramicrotome UC7 RT
electron microscope-sample prep
$30/cycle |
Fischione 1050 TEM Ion Mill
electron microscope-sample prep
$30 |
Baltec CO2 Critical Point Dryer CPD30
electron microscope-sample prep
$25 |
Allied High Tech Multiprep Precision Polishing System
electron microscope-sample prep
$30 |
Allied High Tech Low Speed Saw Tech4
electron microscope-sample prep
Price incl'd with sample prep instruments
Zeiss AxioLabTM A1 Microscope
electron microscope-sample prep
Price incl'd with sample prep instruments
Denton Desk V Sputter and Carbon Coater | sputter deposition-sample prep | $30 |
JEOL JEM-2100 Transmission Electron Microscope | transmission electron microscope | $60 |
JEOL JSM-7600F Scanning Electron Microscope (class 10,000) | scanning electron microscope | $25 |
Materials Characterization Facilities'
WVU User Rates
Instrument | Instrument Type | Price per hour unless noted |
User Assistance | manager assistance | $45 |
J.A. Woollam M-2000U White Light Ellipsometer | ellipsometer | $30 |
Nanoscope MultiMode Scanning Probe Microscope (AFM) | atomic force microscope | $16 |
Asylum MFP-3D Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) | atomic force microscope | $16 |
Renishaw InVia Raman Microscope | Raman microscope | $35 |
Digilab FTS 7000/UMA 600 Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) Spectrometer | spectrometer-FTIR | $60 |
Bruker D8 Discovery X-ray Diffractometer (XRD) | X-ray diffractometer | $18 |
PANalytical X’Pert Pro X-ray Diffractometer (XRD) | X-ray diffractometer | $45 |
Physical Electronics PHI 5000 VersaProbe X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscope (XPS/UPS) | X-ray photo electron spectroscope | $50 |