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Government and Commercial

BioNano Research Facilities' Rates CleanRoom Facilities' Rates Electron Microscopy Facilities' Rates Materials Characterization Facilities' Rates

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BioNano Research Facilities'
Government or Private Sector User Rates

Instrument Instrument Type Price/Hr
(unless otherwise noted)
User Assistance manager assistance $85
Cell Culture Facilities
cell culture $495/month
Thermofisher SORVALL Legend XR1 Centrifuge
centrifuge $42
Bio-Rad 1D/2D Protean i12IEF Electrophoresis System--(SDSPAGE, 2D) electrophoresis system $113/1-2 gels
Bio-Rad 1D/2D Protean i12IEF Electrophoresis System--IEF (1D) electrophoresis system $113/gel
Bio-Rad 1D/2D Protean i12IEF Electrophoresis System--Imager ChemiDoc MP electrophoresis system $113/gel
Bio-Rad 1D/2D Protean i12IEF Electrophoresis System-- Western Blot electrophoresis system $113/gel
Thermofisher Scientific Accela Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography liquid chromatography $80
Thermofisher Scientitic Easy-nano-Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography
liquid chromatography
Thermofisher Scientific Q Exactive Mass Spec mass spectrometer-quadrupole and orbitrap for direct infusion or liquid chromatography mass spec $230
Thermo Scientific Speedvac
speedvac $13
AMG EVOS FL Digital Inverted Fluorescent Microscope
inverted fluorescent microscope
AMG EVOS CORE XL Fluorescent Microscope
inverted fluorescent microscope
AMG Micromaster inverted fluorescent microscope
Leica DMI 6000 Inverted Fluorescent Microscope with DFC300FX Camera
inverted fluorescent microscope
Olympus Spinning Disk Confocal Fluorescent Microscope
confocal fluorescent microscope
Horiba Jobin Yvon Fluorolog-3 Spectrofluorometer
JASCO J-810 Circular Dischroism (CD) Spectropolarimeter
Biotek Epoch Spectrophotometer/Plate Reader
(2 Instances)
spectrophotometer $55

CleanRoom Facilities'
Government or Private Sector User Rates

Instrument Instrument Type Price/Hr (unless otherwise noted)
User Assistance manager assistance $85
Cleanroom Daily Entry Fee   cleanroom   $13
CVC 610 DC Magnetron Sputtering Station (class 10,000)
DC and Rf Sputtering Station
(class 10,000)
Neocera Pulsed Laser Deposition (class 10,000)
KJL E-beam Evaporator   e-beam evaporator $38
Temescal BJD E-Beam Evaporator (class 10,000)
e-beam evaporator $51
DISCO DAD-3240 Dicing Saw (entry lab)
wafer dicer $89
AnnealSys A S-Micro Rapid Thermal Annealer (class 10,000) thermal processing $26
Bruker Contour GT K0 Optical Profiler profiler-optical $21
Trion Technology Minilock III Reactive Ion Etching with Inductively Coupled Plasma
(class 10,000)
reactive ion etcher $31
March PX-250 Plasma Asher 
(class 1,000)
plasma asher $26
Bruker Dektak Stylus Profilometer
(class 100)
stylus profiler $21
Tencor Alpha-Step 200 stylus profilometer (class 10,000)
stylus profiler $13
Bruker Contour GT K0 Optical Profiler optical profiler $21
MEIJI MT7000 Metallurgical 
Microscope (class 1,000)
metallurgical microscope $13
Labsmith HVS448 Video Microscope (class 10,000)
video microscope
Labsmith SVM340 Synchronized Video Fluorescent Microscope
(class 10,000)
fluorescent video microscope
JEOL JSM-7600F Scanning Electron Microscope (class 10,000) scanning electron microscope $65
West Bond 7372E6E Epoxy Die Bonder (class 10,000)
die bonder $26
West Bond 74776E Gold Wire Bonder (class 10,000)
wire bonder $26
Suss Microtech MA6 Mask Aligner (class 100 room)
mask aligner - photolithography
Suss Microtech MJB3 Mask Aligner (class 1,000 room)
mask aligner - photolithography
OAI UV Flood Exposure (class 100)
flood exposure - photolithography $26
Developer Hood development - photolithography $13
Laurel Technologies 400 Spinners (class 100) spinner $13
Laurel Technologies 600 Spinner (class 1,000) spinner $13
Cleanroom Hoods wet chemical processing $13
Lindberg Blue M Tube Oxidation Furnace (class 10,000) thermal processing $26
AnnealSys A S-Micro Rapid Thermal Annealer (class 10,000)
thermal annealer $26
Thermal Oxidation Furnace thermal anealer $26
Keyence VHX-7000/7000N  digital microscope $39

Electron Microscopy Facilities'
Government or Private Sector User Rates

Instrument Instrument Type Price/Hr (unless otherwise noted)
User Assistance manager assistance $85
BioSample Prep TEM/SEM
electron microscope-sample prep
Leica Ultramicrotome UC7 RT
electron microscope-sample prep
Fischione 1050 TEM Ion Mill
electron microscope-sample prep
Baltec CO2 Critical Point Dryer CPD30
electron microscope-sample prep
Allied High Tech Multiprep Precision Polishing System electron microscope-sample prep $75
Allied High Tech Low Speed Saw Tech4
electron microscope-sample prep
Price incl'd with sample instruments
Zeiss AxioLabTM A1 Microscope
electron microscope-sample prep
Price incl'd with sample instruments
Denton Desk V Sputter and Carbon Coater sputter deposition-sample prep $75
Hitachi S-4700 Scanning Electron Microscope transmission electron microscope $65
JEOL JEM-2100 Transmission Electron Microscope transmission electron microscope $150

Materials Characterization Facilities'
Government or Private Sector User Rates

Instrument Instrument Type Price/Hr (unless otherwise noted)
User Assistance manager assistance $85
J.A. Woollam M-2000U White Light Ellipsometer
Nanoscope MultiMode Scanning Probe Microscope (AFM)
atomic force microscope
Asylum MFP-3D Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) atomic force microscope $40
Renishaw InVia Raman Microscope
Raman microscope
Digilab FTS 7000/UMA 600 Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) Spectrometer spectrometer-FTIR $150
Bruker D8 Discovery X-ray Diffractometer (XRD)
X-ray diffractometer
PANalytical X’Pert Pro X-ray Diffractometer (XRD) X-ray diffractometer $131
Physical Electronics PHI 5000 VersaProbe X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscope (XPS/UPS) X-ray photo electron spectroscope $146